Exclusive Cover Reveal for Demon in Disguise

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Let’s get a big drumroll for the exclusive cover reveal of DEMON IN DISGUISE!


What do you think?

I hate writing book blurbs, so I was just going to use this as the official synopsis:

Look, this is book four of five. Shit’s gonna go down. And honestly, if you’re not committed to this ride by now, what could I possibly say in 250 words to convince you?

But I figured that was a bad idea, right? 😂

So here’s the real synopsis:

Welcome to Vancouver, where the coffee’s strong, the magic’s stronger, and the murders are getting personal.

With tensions between the magic and non-magic communities already at a breaking point, Aviva goes undercover on a high-profile murder case that could shatter the city’s fragile peace. As if that weren’t enough pressure, she uncovers a deadly connection to demons—and her own past.

But why have one code red crisis when you could have two? Enter the Shepherd: a shadowy figure convinced a vampire breeding ritual is a good idea.

Spoiler alert: it’s not.

And forget juggling stolen moments with Ezra between supernatural smackdowns. Fed up with her work-life chaos, Aviva realizes that sometimes, the best disguise is no disguise at all.

Cherry Bomb is ready for her close-up.

DEMON IN DISGUISE will be up for pre-order on Deborah Wilde Books and Amazon by the time BETTER THE DEMON YOU KNOW releases on my store on Aug 25.