Deborah Wilde Books is open for business!

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book against a moonlight night city

You might be wondering why you should buy direct from me. You already have your favourite store, or maybe it’s just so easy to 1-Click at Zon. (My credit card bill also knows how damned easy that 1-click is.)

Did you ever dream of owning a bookstore? I did. It was going to be located in a Victorian house, with lots of little rooms dedicated to their own genre and cozy chairs to curl up in. I’d sit at the counter, drinking tea, reading or chatting with all the customers I knew by name, while my cat lounged in a pool of sunlight on the counter.

Alas, I couldn’t afford a Victorian house with a steady stream of foot traffic, but that didn’t mean the dream had to die. It just went virtual. And the greatest part? The part my younger self never dared imagine?

This bookstore is stocked with stories that I created.

Welcome, friend. Settle in with your favourite beverage, browse the shelves, read some samples, and find the perfect book or three to go home with.

I may not have a counter to stand behind and chat, but I can still enhance your experience when you come into my shop. It’s not just a one-way street where you buy my books.

Sign up for the store mailing list and you’ll get notified of exclusive content and impromptu sales, receive discount codes, and best of all, get early access to all new releases.

Receiving your ebooks and audiobooks is super easy. Once you’ve purchased them, you’ll be emailed a download link. When you click on it, you choose how you prefer to read/listen to your book.

That’s it! BookFunnel (our digital provider) has exceptional customer service.

What about paperbacks, you ask? They’re on offer as well, because even though I read mostly ebooks, there’s something about the weight of a book in my hands, the feel of carefully cracking open the spine for the first time, and the smell of ink and paper that will always hold a special place in my heart.

Since I can’t compete with Amazon’s shipping rates for paperbacks, I’ve made each of them on my site special: every single one is a signed copy and the actual book prices are lower than at other retailers.

When you shop direct, I don’t give up 30% of my royalties to a big corporation. I also get paid within hours or days, rather than months — which helps me create more books! Thank you!

I’m even able to accept pre-orders. Like for Howl at the Moon (World of the Jezebel Files #1 ) which will launch at my store on January 16 versus February 5 at all other retailers.

You know you want it in your hands as soon as possible! 🙂

This link will take you Howl’s ebook product page on Deborah Wilde Books if you want to preorder. :

You do pay for it when you preorder, but it won’t be delivered until January 16.

I’m working towards having paperback preorders, but this store has been a major undertaking and I just couldn’t get that done early.

The paperbacks will be available once the books release at the live retailers (Feb 5). Again, the goal is to have them up faster on the store as well, but it’s a work in progress.

Hop over to my Shopify store, browse to your heart’s content, and scroll down to the sign up form if you want to be kept in the loop.

Let me know what you think about Deborah Wilde Books!