Deborah Wilde is a global wanderer and hopeless romantic. After twelve years as a screenwriter, she was also a total cynic with a broken edit button, so, she jumped ship, started writing funny, sexy, urban fantasy and paranormal women’s fiction novels, and never looked back.

She loves writing smart, flawed, wisecracking women who can solve a mystery, kick supernatural butt, banter with hot men, and still make time for their best female friend, because those were the women she grew up around and admired. Granted, her grandmother never had to kill a demon at her weekly friend lunches, but Deborah is pretty sure she could have.


**Pronouced Deb-O-rah.

Book Series

Bedeviled AF

She’s just a demon, standing in front of a vampire, trying not to punch him.

Featuring a smart, funny heroine and a banter-fueled vampire romance, this wickedly addictive urban fantasy will keep you reading way past bedtime.

**PLEASE NOTE: Currently released ebooks in the Bedeviled AF series are only available for purchase on Amazon or can be read with a Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Future ebook releases: Pre-orders in this series will continue on Amazon and Deborah Wilde Books. Those titles will release early on Deborah Wilde Books and be available for purchase until the later launch into KU.

There is no change to paperbacks or audiobooks in the Bedeviled AF series.


Der Auftrag: Dämonen töten. Der Haken an der Sache: Ein wahnsinnig heißer Typ. Die Herausforderung: Die beiden Dinge nicht miteinander zu verwechseln.

The Jezebel Files

Missing teens. Long-lost magic. And the sexy nemesis who might drive her to murder.

If you like headstrong heroines, clever mysteries, and a dash of red-hot romance, you’ll burn through this wickedly funny series.

Magic After Midlife

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that angry women get shit done.

Miriam Feldman is ditching her shapewear and letting her magic fly free.

Featuring a slow burn shifter romance and a smart older heroine, this clever mix of urban fantasy and mystery will take you on a wild ride!

Nava Katz

The mission: kill demons. The catch: infuriating hot guy. The challenge: don’t get the two confused.

Featuring a snarky heroine, kickass action, and spicy romance, this laugh-out-loud, deliciously addictive series sucker-punches you in the heart when you’re not looking.

Ashira Cohen

Des ados disparus. Une magie perdue depuis longtemps. Et un ennemi juré très sexy qui pourrait la pousser au meurtre.
#Paranormal #Magie #Humour #Enquête


Wer starke Heldinnen, komplexe Fälle, authentische Charaktere, schlagfertigen Humor und knisternde Leidenschaft mag, wird die Jezebel Files lieben.