Cover reveal The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need

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Cover reveal time! Isn’t it pretty? I’m so happy with the covers in this series and give all the credit and love to Damonza for creating them.

It’s book 3 people, and things are heating up.

Less Hopelessly Devoted, more Worse Things I Could Do.

Nava is hot on the heels of a demonic serial killer and finally working with her brother. The assignment should be a dream come true, not a nightmarish power struggle made worse by her twin’s refusal to believe there’s corruption within the Brotherhood. Nava is determined to find proof of their dirty dealings, even as she risks irrefutably breaking her sibling bond.

Speaking of clocking annoying males upside the head… Nava is also totally over smoking hot rock star and fellow hunter Rohan Mitra. There is a veritable buffet of boy options out there, and this girl is now all-you-can-eat. So when her demon hunt brings her first love, Cole, back into her life, her revenge fantasies for closure–on all fronts–are a go. Except neither her old wounds nor her new ones are as healed as she believes.

Still, she’s got work to do:
Brotherhood: unmask.
Demons: slaughter.
Guy problems: terminate with extreme prejudice.

The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need will be released on August 18, 2017 but you’ll be able to pre-order it on June 26. (Coincidentally the day that The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Sting  – book 2) comes out.

Read an excerpt!

