Missing teens. Long-lost magic. Can one determined private eye topple a dark conspiracy or will the next blood spilled be her own?
Leonie Hendricks: Demon P.I.
An Urban Fantasy Detective Novel
It takes a demon to catch a demon. Got a dispute with another demon and killing them just won’t solve it? Leonie Hendricks gets results, no matter what the cost.
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Burn
It’s the End of the World as We Know It … Friends will die and secrets will be exposed. Add imprisonment, torture, and the biggest, baddest demon of them all who has plans for her, and it’s a lot for…
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Fall
Playtime’s over. With the Brotherhood and certain witches gunning for Nava, people are taking bets on who will kill her first. And who else will have to die?
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave
What doesn’t kill you … seriously messes with your love life. Nava is happily settling into her new relationship and life is all giddy joy and stolen kisses. Except when it’s assassins. Talk about a mood killer.
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need
Nava Katz has a lot on her plate: Brotherhood: unmask. Demons: slaughter. Guy problems: terminate with extreme prejudice.
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Sting
After a bumpy start as the only female demon hunter in the top secret Brotherhood of David, Nava heads to Prague for her first undercover mission: unmasking a demon movie star.
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter
A devilishly funny urban fantasy romance
The Brotherhood wants her gone. The demons want her dead. Not bad for her first day as a Chosen One.